Friday, July 24, 2009

Saturday May 6th, 1978

Jake Putnam hits at the Reed Gym courts, April 1978--Jim Hall Photo
It was cold and windy this morning in Pocatello. May is just a breath away from winter, in fact it snowed last week. Jim Hall and I are still in training, we played this morning at the indoor court at Reed Gym. The surface is rubber and joined in sections, it's fast but not the fastest court I've played on. Hall and I practiced volleys almost the whole time...Im doing what Mr. B told us last summer, keeping the ball in front of me, keeping body weight forward and then setting up for the next volley. Its all about the flex step and getting ready.

After watching Ashe last night I realized one thing, when he's late he makes up for it with the wrist. The harder one hits with Arthur the better he likes it, he wrists it back with pace and he keeps the ball deep to the baseline. On the other hand Pasarell's ground stokes were picture perfect, the ball seemed to stay on the strings forever; when the ball hits the racquet dead center it makes a distinctive sound, that's the beauty of this player.

Jim and I hit for 2 hours, when we left Reed I looked up on the mountains of the Pocatello range and there's still snow. Scout Mountain to the South is completely snow-capped. It is still so cold that we play bundled up against the wind whenever outside. I wonder if summer will every come.
We had lunch at the Student Union. Then we went to the Library to check on our TV show, we had to put some final touches on our last episode with some light editing. Paul wanted us to finish up our project so public access can run the last episodes all summer. We had a great run with the show this spring, producing 4 shows, 30 minutes each, all sketch comedies but we also made our share of statements. Our friends think we're a bit crazy but its so much fun. I like public access TV because we're our own bosses. We write, shoot and produce whatever we want. We're careful because we don't want to get sued, we didn't have any complaints and Channel 12 is happy with us.

After the edits we decided to get another hit in at Poky High. We have to be ready for Mercersburg, I'm excited to meet up with Sanderson in New Hampshire, Pat called this afternoon and said everything is ready for our long drive next week.

When I got home there was a big box from Wilson complete with two new Jack Kramer frames, my second shipment of the year...Christmas in May! Frank Brennan made a phone call for me last fall, because of my ranking and my spot on the ISU tennis team they're sending me four frames a year. They even sent a three sets of strings! I can't wait to get them strung...Im on such a tight budget, now I'll have to figure out how to pay for the stringing.

Jim and I are meeting out tonight at the Sandpiper, His girlfriend Wendy and her friend Clarrissa are meeting us out, it should be lot of fun. Im back at Mom and Jerry's house, they're heading out to dinner and Brenda is already gone. Im going to take a bath here in a few minutes and then take off.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday April 4th, 1978

What a night! I was a linesman at the Ashe-Pasarell match and it was amazing. Ashe won the first set with just a single service break, winning 6-4. It was looking like a walk over when Pasarell caught fire in the second. Down 3-1, he started hitting the lines and Ashe time and time again could only say 'too tough'. These guys really went for it, you wouldnt know it was an exhibition. It is the twillight for both careers but both played like lions. Pasarell won the second 6-4 at a set all the crowd was equally split and Reed Gym was as noisy as Forrest Hills. There was an electricity and that milked even more out of these great players. Ashe held serve and and then got his break late in the set and won 6-4. It was a 2 hour match and then they stuck around to talk to the people and when it thinned out a bit they returned to the court and let people hit with them!

I hit with Ashe for a few minutes...he put every ball about 3 feet in front of me and made me look like a pro even though I spraying balls everywhere. At one point I got cocky and unleased a hard forehand. Ashe looked as though he was going to smack it back at me but hit a drop shot that barely cleared the net. I immediately felt humbled. Ashe had a smirk on his face, he wanted to send me a message. I got it.

I took them to a reception where we ate cold cuts and beer and it got a little tiring. Pasarell talked about his record singles match of Wimbledon with Gonzales. Ashe talked about winning Wimbledon and the feud he had going with Connors and how he had to push that poison out of his mind so he could concentrate. He said meditating at the crossovers kept him in the match.
I hung on every word, it was such a fun night. I got them on the 10:55 flight to SLC. Ashe was heading home to New York to see his wife.

When I got home, Mom and Jerry were waiting up. Jerry saw me hitting with Ashe and asked what it felt like to hit with a Wimbledon champ, all I could say was thrilling. Brenda wasnt home when we got there and made it in at 11:45. Mom grounded her on the spot and she got a scolding which made her mad. I dont know whats got into her lately...she has this new boyfriend and seems to go out of her way to break all the rules.

Im heading to bed, but It may be a while before I sleep.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Thursday, April 3, 1978

Went to all the classes, studied and Im going to be okay. I think things got off to a bad start at the semester, I had played my heart out and finished 8th on the team ladder, I was just a practice player on the team, that took all the wind from my sails. I think the letter I got back from Mr. B. helped a little, he told me to quit crying and go to class. Saying I can always get back on the team, flunking out I wont have a chance. Of course he was right but its taking this much time to sink in.

It was an amazing night. I went out to the airport and picked up Charlie Pasarell and Arthur Ashe. They got off the plane looking like investment bankers, I introduced myself and then we waited for their baggage. Both were very quiet and subdued. We got loaded up in the car...I borrowed my Mom's and I took them to the hotel. Ashe sat by me and Pasarell...long legs and all sat in the back. They talked about the season, about the tournament season. Both were coming in from Dayton where Ashe had just lost to Brian Gottfried in three sets. Gottfried is one of the hottest players in the world right and although he won second set, said he didnt have it down the stretch. Ashe asked me where they were playing, court surface, and about Idaho. I told him it was a rubberized mat service and that I had hit on it and it was fine except dead spots at the seams. I told them that we had a sell out and that this was the first pro match ever in Pocatello. Ashe said thats why they decided to come out to raise some money for local tennis and bring pro tennis to places they'd never seen it before.

We drove on and Pasarell asked I was a college player. I told them I was on the ISU team and taught summers at Frank Brennan's Camp in Pennslyvania. Ashe had a smile on his face...and said "Oh, I know Frank, he strings my racquets when Im in New York." Ashe told me that FXB has strung for him at Orange, U.S. Open and the Masters. Pasarell said that he had met FXB a few times as well. They talked about the Riggs match and how well BJK played under pressure. We were buddies from then on. I told Ashe that I would be seeing him at the Washington Star in July, that FXB and I go to that tournament every year.

I dropped the guys off at the Cotton Tree Inn, I told them about the Sandpiper and that we lined up a dinner for them at 9:30. I went over to the Piper and Hall was sitting at the bar and we had a beer a few minutes later the they guys showed up for dinner. We let them eat in peace...afterwards they came over talked a few minutes but Arthur wanted to get back to the room and call his wife...Charlie teased him about being a newlywed. They took off and all the friends at the bar thought we were pretty cool to have Arthur Ashe and Charlie Pasarell as friends.

I went home and studied for a couple more hours. Jerry was up when I got home watching TV and mom was sound asleep in the lazy boy. I spread the books out on the table but couldnt get much done because Brenda was on the phone talking to some guy, so I went downstairs and went to bed.

The match is tomorrw and another volunteer will handle driving Ashe and Pasarell around because I have classes. The match is at 7:00...Arthur and Charlie will fly out after that, both are anxious to get out because Ashe has a tournament but wants to go home for the weekend before that gets underway next Monday.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday April 2nd, 1978

Spent last night studying for finals, I got most of the photography project shot Ill print them up tomorrow at the lab and turn them in for a final grade. I had to shoot photos that exhibited different gradients of light. I went to the cemetary and shot shawdows. I got some great stuff. I also spent a few hours brushing up on photog history, we will have a test where we are shown slides and have to identify who shot the photo. Jim and I were studying and scored a hundred and so did he so Im okay there.

The Nazi history class is a breeze, I know the material already, Ive studied it for years and know it forward and backward. I think Im in good shape and should be eligible next semester, now if I could beat a few of the guys on the ladder, Id be set.

We went and played again in Reed Gym on that tennis court...sometime we get weird bounces on the seams...but its a great court, not as fast as I thought it would be. Much better court than the one Peter Burwash used here a couple of years ago.

I played Jim Hall this afternoon and had him 4-0 when he started hitting topspin lobs in the wind. He came back and won the set 7-6 and I thought I was going to explode. I was so frustrated. I need to let it all go, putting too much self worth into the matches...putting too much pressure on myself.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday, April 1st, 1978

I went to all of my classes today at ISU, for the second day in a row. I talked to some of the Profs and they helped me gather up study materials, I have all of closed week to study and then part of finals week. I have two D's, one in photography, another in History of the 3rd Riech, and C's in Documentry film Production, and Art History. I can easily pass the History class, I need to turn in a project in photography...and another in the Production class, but I can do it.

Jim and I have been busy working on the big exhibition match between Arthur Ashe and Charlie Pasarell. They're coming to town on Thursday morning for a exhibition that night. I volunteered to pick them up at the airport and drive them to the hotel, then drive them to Reed Gym for a practice hit and then to the exhibition. Jim and I are headed over to Reed Gym in a few minutes to help set up the court surface. Its a rubberized surface that rolls out and locks into place. We're going to help unload the rolls, and we're bringing our racquets to test out the surface. At least 2-thousand tickets have been sold and no top 10 player has ever visited Pocatello, let alone a Wimbledon Champ. I just finished reading Ashe's biography that was just released and it was a tremendous insight into the Wimbledon final where he crushed Connors. Im so excited.

Jim and I played doubles today against Damian and Kim Burma. We were working on serve and volleys and getting to the net. We had a close first set winning 6-4, and then got cooking and beat them 6-1. We then played a set of singles and I beat Jim 6-4 just by keeping the ball in play and letting him make the mistakes. The wind was blowing and with his topspin had a hell of a time keeping the ball in the court. The team is on the road but Coach Holly left me a note to keep practicing and be ready. The team went down to Utah State and then they got the conference championships coming up on Thursday. I'll miss not playing this year but you never know...someone blows out a knee and Im in.

I called Mark Sanderson and told him that Ill be in Plymouth, N.H. by the third week of May. He's still in school but should be just about finished with finals when I get there. Pat said his Mom is cool with having me stay a week in Ogdensburg. Pat said we can play tennis and hang out and it will be cool. He says we'll be at Patsy's house a lot and she has a bunch of friends if I want to go out. Pat and I did some figuring and my half of gas money shouldnt be more than $40.00. Pat has a Plymouth Fury and it gets lousy gas mileage...but Im not complaining!

Theres so much going on, my Mom said Mr. B called and she got to talk to him for a few minutes she said he sounded really nice on the phone. I had called him to see how much he was going to pay me, we got Jim Hall all straightened out and it sounds like I'll get a hundred more, but wanted to make sure. Ill need every cent for tuition in the fall.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Monday April 30th, 1978

It was cool and windy in Pocatello today. I did something different, I actually went to class. I have five finals coming up in classes that I wanted to drop but was too late for the drop deadline.

I've had a hell of a time this semester with studying, I dont feel like going to class. I have made it to tennis practice but coach Holly got my mid-term grades and is mad that I havnt been to class. He warned that I wont be eligible in the fall and could be off the team unless I get my shit together. So Im going to try and do the impossible, go to the class the last two weeks and see if I can salvage a couple of classes. I checked and am failing in just two classes so maybe I can make it.

I ran into Debbie Messenger today, she's my old girlfriend from last year, the one that broke my heart. Shes doing well, Tosha the dog is going great...seeing her, talking to her has left me in a funk. She's moving and wants me to help her haul some stuff to storage. I got Dad's truck lined up for tomorrow after school. Im looking forward to helping out and hanging out with her again.

I havnt played in a single team match this season because I havnt beat anyone on the team ladder. I work out with the team on Monday thru Wednesday and then they go on the road, the rest of the week I work out with Zaladonis or Hall.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Sunday April 29th, 1978

I beat Jim Hall 6-4, 7-6 in the wind. I didn't play well, the serve wasn't working so I worked on keeping the ball in play and won almost every long rally. He's very good up to the second ball, very quick and can move the ball around, but then gets impatient and tries to put the ball away. I was behind in both sets but pulled it out. Unlike me, Jim is a good loser, once the match is over it's over, he doesnt stew about it. I wish thats a trait I had.

We then played Damian and Dave McVicker. McVicker is from Michigan and played on the Varsity tennis team with me last year. We are technically still on the team, we hit with them all season but never got in a match because you have challenge up to play and I'm 8th on the ladder and he's 9th. Anyway had an interesting match. Jim and I fell behind 4-1 but we never felt out of the match. We were hitting too hard and making too many mistakes. We just took it down a notch and then cruized to victory, 7-6,6-4. The days are really starting to get warm, it was in the 70's but too windy.

Mr. B. Called yesterday from N.J. and told me to tell Jim that he's in. FXB will pay him $800 for the summer. First year guys usually get $700 but FXB wants Jim to handle all the video duty, tapings and play backs. Mike Kunz won't be back and we need someone that can handle the Sony reel to reel. We have one just like it at school and Jim can handle it just fine. Hall is very excited about camp, so we've been practicing every day...hundreds of forehands and backhands cross court, lots of serves and overheads.

I told Jim that hes on the hook at camp. Both Sheridan and I stuck our necks out getting him a job and that he needs to go back there and work his ass off to show he's worthy. I told him all about Mr. B and how he's going to work him as hard as his Dad works him at the Bakery. Jack Hall is slave driver at the Bakery, he works my Mom hard and demands perfection. They have to stand in one place and wrap buns all night, I tried it once and lasted an hour. Jim unloads sacks of flour from the trucks that come in. Hes been there since 9th grade! I think camp will be a welcome relief from semi trucks of flour sacks!

I talked to Pat Dupree and we have our trip all figured out. Im driving with him back to Upstate New York, Ill stay in Ogdensburg, New York for a week and then Mark Sanderson will pick me up in Burlington, Vermont. Pat will drive me to Plattsburg and Ill take the Ferry across Champlain. Its should be real fun!

I met Pat last year, he's a friend of Kathne Hughes and we have this group that all hang out together, Scotty, Griz, Duncan, Mikey, Jim, Pat...we play intramurals together and had a great kick ass season in football, basketball, soccer and tennis. We finished in the sweepstakes hunt...missing the trophy by less than a hundred points. Thanks to Jim and I we won Tennis, took 3rd in 5'10 and under basketball, finished 2nd in soccer and 5th in football. Pat and the boys are a lot of fun, I get along best with Pat and Scotty. I used to date Scott's we have all of these connections in the group.