Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday April 2nd, 1978

Spent last night studying for finals, I got most of the photography project shot Ill print them up tomorrow at the lab and turn them in for a final grade. I had to shoot photos that exhibited different gradients of light. I went to the cemetary and shot shawdows. I got some great stuff. I also spent a few hours brushing up on photog history, we will have a test where we are shown slides and have to identify who shot the photo. Jim and I were studying and scored a hundred and so did he so Im okay there.

The Nazi history class is a breeze, I know the material already, Ive studied it for years and know it forward and backward. I think Im in good shape and should be eligible next semester, now if I could beat a few of the guys on the ladder, Id be set.

We went and played again in Reed Gym on that tennis court...sometime we get weird bounces on the seams...but its a great court, not as fast as I thought it would be. Much better court than the one Peter Burwash used here a couple of years ago.

I played Jim Hall this afternoon and had him 4-0 when he started hitting topspin lobs in the wind. He came back and won the set 7-6 and I thought I was going to explode. I was so frustrated. I need to let it all go, putting too much self worth into the matches...putting too much pressure on myself.

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