Monday, March 3, 2008

Sunday April 29th, 1978

I beat Jim Hall 6-4, 7-6 in the wind. I didn't play well, the serve wasn't working so I worked on keeping the ball in play and won almost every long rally. He's very good up to the second ball, very quick and can move the ball around, but then gets impatient and tries to put the ball away. I was behind in both sets but pulled it out. Unlike me, Jim is a good loser, once the match is over it's over, he doesnt stew about it. I wish thats a trait I had.

We then played Damian and Dave McVicker. McVicker is from Michigan and played on the Varsity tennis team with me last year. We are technically still on the team, we hit with them all season but never got in a match because you have challenge up to play and I'm 8th on the ladder and he's 9th. Anyway had an interesting match. Jim and I fell behind 4-1 but we never felt out of the match. We were hitting too hard and making too many mistakes. We just took it down a notch and then cruized to victory, 7-6,6-4. The days are really starting to get warm, it was in the 70's but too windy.

Mr. B. Called yesterday from N.J. and told me to tell Jim that he's in. FXB will pay him $800 for the summer. First year guys usually get $700 but FXB wants Jim to handle all the video duty, tapings and play backs. Mike Kunz won't be back and we need someone that can handle the Sony reel to reel. We have one just like it at school and Jim can handle it just fine. Hall is very excited about camp, so we've been practicing every day...hundreds of forehands and backhands cross court, lots of serves and overheads.

I told Jim that hes on the hook at camp. Both Sheridan and I stuck our necks out getting him a job and that he needs to go back there and work his ass off to show he's worthy. I told him all about Mr. B and how he's going to work him as hard as his Dad works him at the Bakery. Jack Hall is slave driver at the Bakery, he works my Mom hard and demands perfection. They have to stand in one place and wrap buns all night, I tried it once and lasted an hour. Jim unloads sacks of flour from the trucks that come in. Hes been there since 9th grade! I think camp will be a welcome relief from semi trucks of flour sacks!

I talked to Pat Dupree and we have our trip all figured out. Im driving with him back to Upstate New York, Ill stay in Ogdensburg, New York for a week and then Mark Sanderson will pick me up in Burlington, Vermont. Pat will drive me to Plattsburg and Ill take the Ferry across Champlain. Its should be real fun!

I met Pat last year, he's a friend of Kathne Hughes and we have this group that all hang out together, Scotty, Griz, Duncan, Mikey, Jim, Pat...we play intramurals together and had a great kick ass season in football, basketball, soccer and tennis. We finished in the sweepstakes hunt...missing the trophy by less than a hundred points. Thanks to Jim and I we won Tennis, took 3rd in 5'10 and under basketball, finished 2nd in soccer and 5th in football. Pat and the boys are a lot of fun, I get along best with Pat and Scotty. I used to date Scott's we have all of these connections in the group.

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